Nov 23, 2021

Reddit 上一则有趣的发言


Cons - The NPC’s have awful AI, their dialog is annoyingly trite. I’ve yet to determine what the plot is, if any exists. No balance whatsoever, the “born to wealthy western family” trait is overpowered and broken compared to most other potential traits, which are randomly assigned at character creation. No control over characters starting stats or location, very limited potential for stat growth or levelling. Dev team seems useless…or is it a single dev…or is there even anyone at all in charge of this…feels a lot like abandonware most of the time, nobody has ever seen a GM or dev, tho many claim to know a lot about them. Even basic bare minimum survival requires at least a 40 hour a week grind, generally a lot more, especially if you are randomly assigned to the “Africa” or “Asia” server clusters…unless you can convince a few of the NPC’s to share lodgings and pool resources with you, or you have the “born to rich family” rare trait. Playing US or European servers helps with that, seem to have a higher chance of rolling a character with good starting traits and background, but server is randomly assigned at character creation. Incredibly repetitive gameplay, tedious at best, reminiscent of Korean MMO’s. You also get no choice about whether or not you want to play, you don’t get to read reviews or watch gameplay videos first then make a decision, you just play. Tutorial is shit, covers very little that is actually used in game. Characters are randomly generated, stats and appearances, most of them are ugly as fuck.

Pro - Graphics are very lifelike, good frame rate, controls are intuitive. Immersive world, with very interactive terrain. Very realistic hunger and thirst system, good survival mechanics. Crafting systems are intricate and in depth. Sound is well implemented and clear, tho many characters get random debuffs at creation that limit their sounds and graphics immensely.

All in all, 2 stars, would not play again. The trailer shows a bunch of puppies and kittens and sunrises and parties, and other really awesome and exciting looking things, the actual gameplay is boring and tedious, repetitive in the extreme, and the parts from the trailer are rarely encountered, the rest is just a grindfest. I’m not about to cancel my account, but I wouldn’t have signed up in the first place if I had a say so in the matter.